Saturday, 21 July 2012

Buns and Thighs....just incase snowboarding didnt kill them already!!

So, starting this whole thing with no internet access didn't really work out for me! And I got pretty slack with my Ab workouts coz I got a bit bored with it! Also, a few days at the snow was an eating write off! Anyway, back onto the wagon now with my first real contribution to the daily workout!



  1. Hey just got back tonight and the old buns and thighs have definately been working this weekend but shall do this in the morning! And back on the wagon with eating sounds good too!

    The rules/ goals are:
    - aim for you 5+ a day (fruit and veges)
    - Two days a week are set aside for chocolate, cake, desserts, alcohol etc. and not in binge amounts and the others are for yum healthy eating

    Were there any other rules I missed?
