Wednesday, 1 August 2012

Thursday Thighs

 Sumo Crab Walk

Works: Inner thighs and glutes
Need: Room to walk
1. Get into a sumo wrestling stance: your feet wider than shoulder-width apart, toes pointed out, and knees extended over the toes.
2. Keep your back straight, chest out, and abs tight throughout this move.
3. In this almost-sitting position, take a step forward, one foot at a time, and advance as far as you can go in the space you are in; then turn around and walk back to your starting position.
4. Do 20 steps total or until you feel the burn in your legs.

 Leg Balancer

Works: Inner and outer thighs
Need: A bench, flat chair, or countertop
1. Stand straight and place your hands on the top of a bench, back of a chair, or countertop edge.
2. Raise your right leg to the right side of your body, keeping your foot "flexed." When you lower your leg, don't rest it on the ground but continue the movement, raising your leg up again on the other side.
3. Always remain in control of the movement; don't simply swing your leg up and down.
4. Repeat 25 times on each side.

Swiss Ball Dip & Raise

Works: Legs and core
Need: A Swiss ball
1. Get into a plank position, placing your legs on the Swiss ball and your arms on the ground. Your arms should be flexed and perfectly straight, and your abs tight so that your back is not arched.
2. Once you are stable, raise your right leg in the air, about 20 inches high. Bring your leg back down in a controlled movement, but don't rest on the ball; immediately raise your right leg again.
3. Do 10-15 raises with your right leg, and then do the same for the left.

One-Legged Swiss Ball Squats

Works: Upper thighs and glutes
Need: A Swiss ball and a wall
1. Stand straight, place the Swiss ball against the wall, and lean your back on it.
2. Stretch out your arms in front of you, and choose a point straight ahead to focus on.
3. Stretch your right leg out in front of you, and raise it to a horizontal position, parallel to the floor if possible; if not, simply raise your leg as much as you can.
4. Your left leg should be slightly bent at the knee, your heel planted and your toes raised off the floor. By raising your toes you will achieve better results on your thighs, the back of your leg, and glutes. You will now descend slowly to a sitting position — basically doing a squat on your left leg and using the Swiss ball as your support.
5. Slowly return to standing position.
6. Do 3 series of 10 movements each on each leg.

The ones that use a swiss ball...i reckon we could just do without one....